Mo Reynolds
Storyteller. Writer. Speaker
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Mo Reynolds
Who is this woman behind the bandana?
I am a storyteller, speaker, reader, workshop leader, teacher, and a generally joyful wordsmith. I also hike as often as possible.
I live with my family in Rexburg, Idaho and work to send out stories and words that create connections. I have a B.A. and M.A. in English literature, 3 kids, 1 husband, 1 dog, 2 cats, and I have lost count of how many books. . but I think it is just shy of enough.
I perform and lead workshops in schools and festivals around the country, telling tales in Montana, Idaho, Utah, Florida, South Carolina, and Tennessee. In October 2022 I was invited to perform at the National Storytelling Festival on the Exchange Place stage. In 2023 I was featured at the Women's Storytelling Festival in Fairfax, VA, the Kansas Storytelling Festival in Downs, KS, and the National Storytelling Festival. In 2024 I will be a featured storyteller at the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival in Lehi, UT and the Ojai Storytelling Festival in Ojai, CA.
Storytelling invites connection, inspires confidence, and encourages compassion. Take a look around, learn about me and my work. . . Then, let's connect and tell some stories together.
I'll bring the bandanas.